The build will be based around the Hacker A30 10XL motor on a 4S configuration.
The two wing halves were joined together using 3M 90 and as opposed to using Gorilla glue for fixing the main carbon wing spars, I opted for using 25 minute epoxy which was a lot easier to manage. A bit of light weight filler was then applied and this has been sanded down to leave a nice smooth finish ready for covering. I've just run some clear tape over the spars and along the leading and trailing edges prior to covering.
The motor mount has been sited and again glued in place using 25 minute epoxy.
I've gone with the recommended Hitec 65MG servos and again these have been centered and fixed in place. I'm going to finish these off with some plastic servo covers which can be easily obtained.
The two 4S 3300 batteries will be cut into both sides of the wings leaving the centre bays free for the electronics.
The colour scheme I'm going for is a carbon vinyl finish on the top side of the wing, red underneath with a silver chrome finish for the hatch bays. The GoPro box will be cut into the nose shortly.
So far so good, look out for more progress very soon. :)